Hello all. It's come to my surprise that people still don't know what's going on with the "web hosting"/"original" service after emails, telegram announcements, and website account announcements. It seems some of you are still in the dark and think "the service isn't working" and that's all there is to it. This very example is why we will no longer be offering any type of ticket or email support. If you email us, respond to our invoices(which are automated by the way..i don't just log on and think to myself that your payment is late and send you an email), or create tickets on the website - they will not be read. Here's why..
- Our email server is slow. That's the price we pay for having offshore accounts and to keep your information safe. I don't get them for a long time.
- When i do respond explaining important details - i rarely get a response. Maybe it's going to spam? I don't know.
- Email is entirely too slow of a conversation to get things resolved. It's antiquated and can sometimes take 10 emails to get a simple issue fixed. This is not only frustrating for me, but it's frustrating for you.
- Tickets were never intended to be used. It's not even something i can turn off without some kind of custom script to break it.
- When submitting a ticket, people are clicking the submit button what it appears to be 10 times, and it creates 10 duplicate tickets.
- This is also a very antiquated..SLOW method of communicating and getting issues resolved.
Information is coming at us from too many directions and with the issues above, it's very..VERY impractical. It takes away my ability to give you great customer service. Moving forward you will need to download the telegram chat app.
Here's the link to join our client verification chat: https://t.me/+T5If4HzTlSI3nr4B
Once you are verified i will invite you to join the group. You'll see many topics to report different issues, make requests, and to see announcements. You can mute all of these notifications, but i highly suggest to leave Announcements unmuted.
Donnerstag, Oktober 12, 2023