
As you have noticed, or will notice, replies to Tickets and emails are slow. Honestly, I never really ever intended this to be a thing, it just came built into the website. Because it’s so difficult to keep up with tickets, emails, AND telegram, we are asking everyone to join us on telegram. 

- Every phone has telegram on the App Store 

- Join this link https://t.me/+T5If4HzTlSI3nr4B

- Once you enter and say something I’ll verify your email to make sure your a valid customer

- I’ll then invite you to the real group. 

- You can mute notifications and only use it when you need us if you want

This allows me to help people way faster and keep everything in one spot. Also, a lot of you that use the ticket system without telegram, are missing important announcements like outages/additions/ability to request things. Far too often I get tickets about issues that are announced. That means you’re left in the dark. So join us, come to the light. If you prefer not to, I’ll get to you when I can..could be a while though!


Saturday, October 7, 2023

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